Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Acting Brain

The acting brain.

Dr Progress Njomboro
                To move things is all mankind do, and for this task the sole executant is a muscle, whether it be whispering a syllable or felling a tree
                                                                                                Charles Sherrington.
Why do animals have a brain?
Thinking is expressed through action.
Processes that generate and control action also generate and control thought.
How does our brain transform our intentions, desires, decisions, and plans into actions?
How do we learn a new motor skill?
What's happening in our brain while we are learning the new motor skill?
Why are peoples motor skills different?
Why does practice makes perfect
Movement and action
A physical act, which can occur in the absence of cognition  e.g., reflexes
A cognitive act
The embedding of movement within an environmental reality
By early adulthood, most actions are effortless until injury or disease strikes parts of the motor system.
Reflex arc
The case of Ian Waterman (see video)
Lost all somatosensory and proprioceptive input
Initially unable to make any coordinated movement
After years of practice he trained himself to make movement under visual guidance
Requires total concentration to move and even maintain posture
Collapses to ground when lights unexpectedly go out
The motor system mediates all behavior by acting on the environmental representations from our sensory system
Three components of the motor system make this possible
Different regions of the brain are involved in these 3 tasks.
Action propagation
Action propagation
The action brain
The action brain
Primary motor cortex
Frontal eye fields
Premotor cortex
Medial (SMA)
The Action Brain
Primary motor cortex
Executes all voluntary movements
Somatotopically organized
L = R
R = L
Damage to one side produces Hemiplegia
The Action Brain
The Action Brain
Lateral vs. medial premotor cortex
Prefrontal cortex
Planning and higher control of action
Mediates selection and goal maintenance of action
Applying attention to action
i.e., in novel or complex situations
Prefrontal vs. Premotor contributions
Prepare action to internally and externally triggered events
Using activity in the primary motor cortex to guide a prosthetic limb
The SAS Model:
How does it work?
Well-learned/automatic/habitual actions
A collection of schemas that go together
The SAS model contd
Contention scheduling
Controls schema selection
Selects limited number of compatible schemas
2 problems
1.) Not all tasks are routine
2.) Even if were routine, organizing different schemas together is not routine
The supervisory activating/ attentional system
An attentionally limited controller
Organizes, co-ordinates, monitors schemas
Deficits from disordered SAS functioning
Frontal apraxia/ action disorganisation syndrome
Failure to maintain routine activities, e.g., making a cup of tea
Damage to scripts; maintenance of scripts; or some combination
No deactivation of activated schemas; or
No change in goal once accomplished
Utilization behaviour
Activation of schemas by environmental cues without SAS regulation
Summary the action brain
Primary motor cortex execution of voluntary movements
Premotor cortex preparation of actions
Lateral premotor: external cues
Medial premotor (SMA): internal cues
Prefrontal cortex: action/goal selection
damage results in dysexecutive behavior.
Ownership & awareness of action
How much of our behavior is actually willed?
Homunculus problem
There is a little “I” in your head that decides on actions
Libet et al. (1983)
Readiness potential of action neurons fires before reports of intent to act
Haggard & Eimer (1999)
Awareness of action relates to performing a specific action
To do or not to do: ‘Checking mechanisms’ and whether to make an action or not
Prediction of actions
Forward models
A representation (efference copy) of the action is used to predict the consequences of the action
Alien hand contd
Hand produces unintentional movements
Damage to
Corpus callosum
Eg., Left SMA damage leave the right hand under the control of the intact left lateral premotor regions (which control more object-based action than the SMA.
Action comprehension and imitation
Simple, rote copying of the actual movement itself
Shallow level of processing
Reproducing actions based on goals
Deeper level of processing
Infants use goals too
The mirror neuron system
Neurons that respond during the performance observation of an action
disregard the distinction between self other.
tuned to specific goal directed actions
Important for
Understanding actions of others
Assist imitation
Parietal lobes
Two routes of visual processing
Ventral (“what”) – occipital to temporal
Medial structures – non-living objects
Lateral structures – living objects
Dorsal (“”where/how”) – occipital to parietal
to ventral stream
Can’t tell what you see
E.g., Patient DF Could not tell/report orientation of a slot
to dorsal stream
Cannot reach accurately towards objects
Optic ataxia
Double-dissociation between ventral and dorsal damage
Double dissociations evident in normal people
Evidenced by visual illusions, e.g., Titchener circles
Coding specific types of actions
an action vocabulary (grasping, tearing, holding)
Area F5 in primates
Coding action-relevant properties of objects
Coding sensory info across modalities
Deficit of sensory-motor transformation: The Phantom Limb
Amputees experience that their amputated limb is still there
It was previously thought this was the result of irritated nerve endings from the amputation
Ramachandrans theory
Phantom limb sensations due to cross wiring in somatosensory cortex
Eg., Brain areas near to hand (arm & face) take over (remap) cortical region that no longer has input
Phantom limb pain
Using objects and tools
A 3D description of the object is matched to a store of typical Visuospatial object representations (in infero-temporal cortex).
And representations of factual info in semantic memory
And object-based actions in the (left) inferior parietal lobe.
Eg., activated during pantomiming
Why left hemisphere??
Deficits of tool use: Ideomotor apraxia
Patients cannot adequately produce actions on verbal command
e.b., wave goodbye, brush your teeth; comb your hair
Often leave out the object and use hand (e.g., for combing hair) or finger (e.g., for brushing teeth)
**Can the patient copy meaningless action though?
Objects for action: Affordances (Gibson, 1979)
What is the influence of semantic knowledge?
Object use is sometimes spared in spite of damage to its semantic reps.
What are affordances?
Evidence from semantic dementia
Patients have lost all or some of semantic knowledge about objects, but are still able to use them correctly
How can we apply what we have learnt
Cerebellar loop
Involved in the co-ordination of movements
Basal ganglia loop
Initiation and execution of internally generated movements and linking one action to the next
Hypokinetic disorders of the basal ganglia Parkinsons
Loss of dopaminergic brain cells in the pathway linking basal ganglia and substantia nigra
Increased output of the indirect pathway (brakes) and decreased output on direct pathway (accelerator)
Result in poverty of self-initiated movement and slowness of movement
Hypokinetic disorders of the basal ganglia: Huntingtons disease
Excessive movements, dance-like flailing limbs (chorea), and contorted postures
Reduction in ‘brakes’ – but normal ‘acceleration’ results in promotion of movement
Hyperkinetic disorders Tourettes syndrome
Excessive and repetitive actions
Simple eg., jerks and tics
Complex eg., OCD
Coprolalia - verbal obscenities, barking also common
Echolalia – repeating after someone’s words
Palilalia – repeating own words
Failure to inhibit initiation of action

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